Are there hair vitamins that actually work?

There are no clinical studies that definitely support vitamin supplements that restore hair growth and prevent further loss. A vitamin supplement's ability to help hair health boils down to what's causing hair loss. If it's due to medications you're taking or a medical condition, vitamins for hair growth aren't going to help. While vitamins are important for healthy hair growth, increasing your vitamin intake through the use of a supplement or a change in diet doesn't guarantee thicker, healthier hair.

You probably know that prenatal vitamins help provide the building blocks for optimal growth and function for both mother and baby, but you may not realize that they can also be beneficial to your hair. To make sure you don't miss out on all the fun, vitamin C also helps ensure that your hair stays in top shape. These include B vitamins, such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B, folic acid, and vitamin B12), as well as nutrients such as iron, selenium and zinc. While adequate vitamins for growth can help mitigate hair loss with continued use, professionals recommend talking to an expert to find out the true cause and prevent it from weakening further in the long term.

So, if your main concern is to have healthy hair, you'll get the best results if you consume vitamin A in moderation. Seriously, if they don't ask me about hair supplements in my direct messages, they show me ads about hair gummies on my social media. But if you ask the experts or me, who tried taking them for two months and were only left with breakouts, the answer to whether hair vitamins really work or not is more than a big NO in all areas. While these are technically multivitamins and are not specifically intended for hair growth, they contain essential ingredients such as omega-3 and vitamin D, which professionals recommend to help keep hair strong.

Hair health is determined by a multitude of factors, including age, genetics, hormone levels, medical conditions, diet, stress and hair treatments. Its vitamin and mineral blend, which includes zinc, biotin, amino acids and saw palmetto extract, is ideal for combating hair loss. Often, the body produces other vitamins, meaning that hair growth supplements may not be necessary unless you have a clear deficiency. It aims to target the direct causes of hair thinning after childbirth, such as physical and emotional stress, hormonal changes and lack of nutrients, to help hair grow back over time.

Hair vitamins may live up to their claims of giving you long, luscious hair, but you shouldn't expect results overnight.

Cole Romanson
Cole Romanson

Professional sushiaholic. Extreme zombie maven. Alcohol practitioner. Certified food practitioner. Amateur beer fanatic.

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